Same-sex couple in the USA have quintuplets!
Updated | By Stacey and JSbu
They say it's the happiest news a couple can receive, especially if they have been actively trying to fall pregnant. Such was the case for this couple, except it was five times the joy!

A Texas couple has shared their joy of expanding their family five times over!
Heather Langley and Priscilla Rodriguez shared that they felt like they had 'won the lottery' after finding out that they were having quintuplets.
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The birth of the quintuplets, named Hadley, Reagan, Zariah, Zylah, and Jocelyn, was so rare that they are just the second set of recorded all-girl quintuplets in the States.
Heather and Priscilla, who have been together for nine years, have a three-year-old daughter already, but were looking at hopefully adding one more addition to their family. The couple, who had been trying for quite some time, were shocked when the eventually got the news that they were not only expecting, but would be expecting five children!
Heather says that she was just six weeks pregnant when they discovered they were having quintuplets.
I immediately felt scared when we found out there was going to be five because I feared my pregnancy would be worrying and complicated, I was also panicking about how we would take care of five babies and how on earth we would pick and agree one five names, let alone one. However, after the initial shock and the news had sunk in, I realised how special and unique our babies were going to be. It feels like we have won the lottery.- Heather Langely
At 19 weeks into their pregnancy, the couple found out the gender of their quintuplets:
Out of our five babies, we were really hoping we were going to get a couple of boys, but that wasn't to be. At around 19 weeks we had a scan to find out the gender of the babies The midwife just kept saying 'another girl. I could not believe we were going to have five more girls. I just kept thinking, 'wow that is a lot of girls, what are we going to do with them all?' We would have six in total.- Heather Langely
On how they are coping with five infant children, as well as a toddler, the couple had this to share:
We are loving being a moms of six, it is amazing. We are always surrounded by our girls and there is nothing better than that!- Heather and Priscilla Langely

Featured Image Credit: Mirror.UK
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