REVEALED: The most fought about thing between partners

REVEALED: The most fought about thing between partners

It's not just you, boo...

REVEAL: The most fought about thing between partners
REVEAL: The most fought about thing between partners/ canva

"How many times do I have to say it?!" 

You know the feeling so well already; a rush of annoyance, a pit in your stomach, and a forked tongue... you and your partner are on the brink of a fight.

Sometimes it's something simple like an unwashed plate, a poorly timed joke or miscommunication about something a bit deeper.

Now instead of mulling over why, when or how, we are here to tell you, yes, it's all of us too.

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After extensive research, it has been revealed what partners in 2023 fight about the most. Before we jump (to conclusions) , we want you to take a guess:  

The answer is...

Money, sex, and children.

According to the IPC, the three most common arguments with couples are:

  • Sex: This is probably the most frequent source of conflict between couples. Often there are disagreements about the frequency of sex with one person feeling their needs are not being met and the other person feeling harassed or badgered. 
  • Money: The issues related to money that couples argue about are numerous and many. Examples include what to spend money on, how much to save, what we are saving for, wants versus needs, whether to merge money or keep it separate, how bills should be divided and paid for, how to create a budget, or what should be included in the budget.
  • Children: The last topic couples are especially passionate about are children. Many couples find themselves arguing even before they have children. They may fight about whether to have them, when to have them, how many to have, names, and so much more. Sometimes there are arguments while trying to get pregnant, especially if there are issues with fertility and deciding to what extent the couple will go to have a child. 

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Upon reveal, we have decided to take this thought-provoking question to fellow East Coasters.

TUNE IN at 15:00 today to hear what Stacey and J Sbu have to say.

Stay tuned, we will bring you the latest at East Coast Radio. 

Read More: Confession: "My boyfriend gave me an ultimatum between him and the baby"

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Image courtesy of Canva

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