POLL: "The concept of working from home is over in 2023"

POLL: "The concept of working from home is over in 2023"

Stacey and J Sbu look into the current work climate...

Man working from home
Man working from home/ canva

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, but is KZN really back in the office or snug at home? 

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work forever.

Report: SA's high earners split work between home and office post COVID-19 lockdown

Post-lockdown, getting back into the working groove has been complicated. Working environments, demands, and job specs have changed. 

Many take a preference to working from home, whereas others prefer face-to-face interaction where they can "leave work at the office".

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Many companies in South Africa are currently using a hybrid system or employ people for strictly remote work.

As the country returns to a sense of "normalcy", research suggests that a switch to permanent remote work would make us all less productive.

Read More: Digital Detox: "By far the best thing I could have ever done for myself"

While some offices figure out what works best, here are some statistics on where people are the most productive:

But let's take a look at how this hits close to home. 

BusinessTech reports that the projected working model in South Africa promotes flexible schedules, shared working spaces, and a hybrid but not remote work environment. 

As we edge into the latest industrial revolution, it's important that we keep adjusting the working model right here in KZN. 

Stay tuned for more on this developing story and what the verdict from East Coasters is. 

Remember, even if you're working from home, don't sleep on yourself! 


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