Mamba decided to cross the road but nearly became roadkill instead

Mamba decided to cross the road but nearly became roadkill instead

Mamba on the move came to a slithering stop...

Mamba decided to cross the road but nearly became roadkill instead
Mamba decided to cross the road but nearly became roadkill instead / Nick Evans Facebook

Why did the mamba cross the road? 

In this case, it was literally to get to the other side...

Famous KZN snake catcher, Nick Evans, has taken to his Facebook to share this incident that's been slithering all over Facebook.

WATCH: This Durban mamba had to hamba after a fight with a feisty mongoose

As seen in the video above, the snake was in "an incredible amount of pain" as the car drove over it.

"It was absolutely terrified, as there were humans all around it, and one approaching it," Nick Evans mentioned.

Nick was able to secure the injured mamba quickly by placing its head in his hand. He further found that there was blood in its mouth and nose.

Nick made the decision that he was going to take it back with him and nurse it back to health. He said that it seemed strong a few hours after the incident.

Read More: A shongololo was named after Taylor Swift and we can't just shake it off!

We wish this mamba all the best on its journey to health and hope it will bamba as soon as possible. 

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Image courtesy of Nick Evans / Facebook


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