J Sbu's top three ways to celebrate the woman in your life

J Sbu's top three ways to celebrate the woman in your life

'Take a moment to honour the lady in your life'

J Sbu sharing the love
J Sbu sharing the love/ ECR

This women's day, J Sbu is sharing some advice on the best ways to show the women in your life some appreciation. From mother figures to partners, there are so many small things you can do to make them feel truly cherished.

Let’s dive into his top three fabulous ways to celebrate the women who light up your world!

1. Words of Affirmation: Nothing beats a heartfelt message to brighten her day. Why not surprise her with a call, a sweet voice note, or even a handwritten love letter? Expressing your love and appreciation in words can be incredibly uplifting and remind her just how special she is to you.

Read More: Celebrating Women's Dreams on East Coast Radio This August

2. Dinner Date: Treat her to a memorable evening with a dinner date. Whether you whip up a delicious meal at home or head out to her favourite restaurant, the goal is to make it an evening to remember. 

Read More: Best of Stacey and J Sbu: 3 moments you can't miss

3. Acts of Service: Show your love through actions by taking over some of the tasks she usually handles. Whether it’s managing the grocery shopping, tackling household chores, or handling a project she’s been meaning to get to, your support and thoughtfulness will truly shine.


As one of our East Coast Radio listeners, Mike, wisely says, “Every day this month should be a celebration of the amazing women in our lives.” 

We hope this helps in adding an extra sparkle to women's day. 

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