This is how you should pick the perfect watermelon

This is how you should pick the perfect watermelon

J Sbu once said that this was the most confusing of fruits for him and still we are sharing the best way to pick one. 

Man holding a watermelon with one hand
Man holding a watermelon with one hand/Pexels/@rudolf

Let's be honest, what's December in KZN without eating a juicy and crisp slice of watermelon?

We once asked the team about what fruit they identified with the most and we remember J Sbu saying that he never quite enjoyed or understood the craze over watermelons. 

All said and done, we know for a fact that the holidays in KZN are not quite as festive without a watermelon. 


We have to admit though from previous experience it can be tricky to keep this lush fruit for a long time without it spoiling. 

What's worse is when you choose one unbeknown to you, it turns out to be soft when you cut it open. 

This is why we wanted to share a video with you on how to pick the perfect watermelon. A man, Mr Rice recently reshared his tip on how to pick the perfect watermelon after someone asked him on TikTok. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of TikTok

@goin1836 Replying to @Manny-Grdn 🍉🍉#watermelon #foryou #수박 ♬ original sound - Mr rice


And if this is too big for you and your family, there are always the halves or quarters. 

But our advice is don't keep them for too long, because with our weather and the threat of load shedding, they won't always last. 

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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