How having an alter ego can change your life

How having an alter ego can change your life

Bring out your inner Sasha Fierce...

Man with an alter ego
Man with an alter ego / canva

Do you ever wish that you could do something but just don't have the confidence or guts to do it?

Performers, actors, singers, and many other celebrities take on a persona. This persona allows them to take on a different or enhanced personality. 

What is an alter ego?

An alter ego is essentially an alternate self which is believed to be distinct from a person's normal or true original personality. 

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We have seen these personas take centre stage. A prime example of this is Batman. Both Beyonce and Adele have admitted that the reason they are able to create magic on stage is due to these other selves.

Although the embodiment of a fictional persona may seem like a gimmick for pop stars, new research suggests there may be some real psychological benefits to the strategy, shares The Life Project. 

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Adopting an alter ego is known to be an extreme form of ‘self-distancing'. This involves taking a step back from our immediate feelings to allow us to view a situation more impartially.


Stacey and J Sbu talk to East Coasters about things we wish our "alter-ego" could nail vs our real selves.

TUNE IN here for the verdict.

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In conclusion, we could all benefit in terms of our emotional regulation, self-control, and general poise by choosing to embody another persona. Unleash your inner Sasha Fierce!

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Stacey and J Sbu podcasts

Image courtesy of canva

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