#HonestyHour: The things you pretended to like to impress someone?

#HonestyHour: The things you pretended to like to impress someone?

When you like someone there are so many things that you are willing to do just to impress them. 

A lies & truth photo


When they say love is blind, they are not lying, because loving someone makes you unable to see their faults.

READ: Wife pretends she can’t cook for five years

When a person is in love they tend to not see any imperfections in the person they love and they are very willing to do the most for that person just to reassure them of how much they love them.

But, KZN, we want to know from you, no judgement here just pure honesty: What are some of the things you pretended to like to impress someone?

[READ] what KZN had to say:

#HonestyHour: What are some of the things you pretended to like to impress someone? #StaceyandJSbu . East Coast Radio

Posted by East Coast Drive on Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Listen to the podcast to hear what KZN had to say: 

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