Here's what NOT to do in KZN for Friday the 13th

Here's what NOT to do in KZN for Friday the 13th

Whatever you do this Friday, make sure you don't do these 13 things...

Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th/ iStock

Have you ever wondered why airplanes do not have a thirteenth row?

Surely this is not a coincidence - there's definitely something to it...

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According to 'Researchers estimate that as many as 10 percent of the USA population has a fear of the number 13, and each year the even more specific fear of Friday the 13th, known as paraskevidekatriaphobia, results in financial losses in excess of $800-million annually, as people avoid marrying, traveling or in the most severe cases, even working. But what’s so unlucky about the number 13, and how did this numerical superstition get started?

'An early myth surrounding the origin of the fear involved one of the world’s oldest legal documents, the Code of Hammurabi, which reportedly omitted a 13th law from its list of legal rules. This fear of the unknown would seem to play into two other popular theories for the number’s unlucky connotation, both of which revolve around the appearance of a 13th guest at two ancient events: In the Bible, Judas Iscariot, the 13th guest to arrive at the Last Supper, is the person who betrays Jesus. Meanwhile ancient Norse lore holds that evil and turmoil were first introduced in the world by the appearance of the treacherous and mischievous god Loki at a dinner party in Valhalla. He was the 13th guest, upsetting the balance of the 12 gods already in attendance.'

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With the above in mind, we've put together a list of 13 things not to do on this day, which are common superstitions associated with the number 13 and Friday the 13th itself.

Here's what you should avoid:

  1. Do not spill salt
  2. Get out of bed the same side you got in
  3. Do not put new shoes on the table
  4. Do not cross your knife and fork
  5. Do not open an umbrella inside
  6. Do not walk backwards
  7. Do not sit in-front of the door 
  8. Avoid cutting your eyes and nails
  9. Walking alone in a dark alley
  10. Do not break a mirror
  11. Walk past a black cat 
  12. Do not step on a crack
  13. Do not let an owl look you in the eyes

Happy Friday-ing!

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Friday the 13th

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