'Hai, shame': J Sbu gets pranked while on holiday

'Hai, shame': J Sbu gets pranked while on holiday

This call had us in tears!

J Sbu gets prank called
J Sbu gets prank called/ canva

Once in a blue moon, we get a call from an unknown number. It could be spam, an insurance company, a long lost friend, or even a prank call.

Danny Guselli is on a mission to punk all of our East Coast Radio presenters by selling Body Insurance and this time he got J Sbu. Take a listen to how the moment unfolded below:

Read More: Prank wars! Danny Guselli fools our Traffic team with body insurance

It started as a simple prank from one ECR presenter to another. Danny presents: "IBS - Insure Body Systems."

"You can insure almost anything from your throat to your legs and even your toes," shares Danny.

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The craziest thing is that this is totally normal. Celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Heidi Klum, and Julia Roberts have all insured their money-making features. Here is a complete list:

Who will be next on Danny's hit list? Stay tuned to find out, we will bring you the latest at East Coast Radio. 

Read More: What's in the box? Drive team perplexed by this mysterious box

Check out how he had Andi James, our traffic presenter, fooled:

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Image courtesy of canva

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