The ‘Everything Shower’: How often should you take one?

The ‘Everything Shower’: How often should you take one?

Everything you need to know about the everything shower

Shower in bathroom
Shower head in bathroom / canva

Have you heard about the 'everything shower'? 

The 'everything shower' is a trending term to describe a complex way about washing you body. It includes an array of methods, products, and techniques. From lathering on some body scrub to shaving head to toe, the 'everything shower' leaves you feeling like a brand new person.

Not only does this offer physical cleansing, but also mental and emotional refreshment. It feels like a reset button for the week ahead.

Read More: 72% of people do this after they get out the shower...

Share how often you indulge in a self-care shower: 

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to take an everything shower:

  • Get all of your shower essentials in order
  • Pump up some tunes 
  • Cleanse every facet of your body
  • Pre-shower hair mask
  • Brush your hair
  • Body scrub every fact of your body... 'exfoliate queen'
  • Cleanse number two
  • Face mask
  • Bubble bath
  • Shave
  • Bosh wash

WATCH: Man and lady passenger have an illegal shower mid-scoot

Don't even get us started on the post shower routine, that's an even longer ordeal! Stacey Norman shared a top tip: "Moisturising is your best friend! Take it seriously"

With busy schedules, it’s easy to skimp on self-care. The ‘everything shower’ is your chance to dedicate time to yourself, and you deserve it!

Some extra tips for Your ‘Everything Shower’: 

  • Set the Mood: Light some candles, put on KZN's number 1 hit music station and make it a relaxing environment.
  • Take Your Time: Don’t rush. Enjoy each step of the process and savour the experience.
  • Customize It: Tailor the steps to what makes you feel best! It's all about taking time for you. 

Stay tuned for more, we will bring you the latest at East Coast Radio. 

Read More: The 'Internal Shower' is going viral, but doctors are warning against it

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Image courtesy of canva

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