ECR's Top 5: The big things you can stop worrying about at 30

ECR's Top 5: The big things you can stop worrying about at 30

Life after 30, the biggest "what next" of them all...

The 5 big things you can stop worrying about after 30 years old
The 5 big things you can stop worrying about after 30 years old / iStock

Life after 30 comes with many pressures, but there are also many things that you can let go of and stop worrying about. 

They say that at 30 your life starts to take shape and you finally become who you are, instead of chasing who you should be. Of course, many people begin to have a quarter-life crisis at this age, but with that comes a clarity that helps you find your path.

Life is a journey and at 30, it's just the beginning...

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With this in mind, we decided to ask our Drive team and listeners what five things they can stop worrying about once they hit 30. 

Here's what they had to say:

1. Stop caring about what people think of you 

With the knowledge and maturity that has been gained, you begin to care less about what people think and more about what the heart desires. People's insecurities that they push onto you, the peer pressure, and expectations begin to fade away as you realise that you should be living for you and no one else. 

2. People asking you for ID 

Despite the emotional growth one faces, the physical ageing means that getting asked for ID won't be as common as before. This means that you can go out without the extra worry of losing your ID and being stopped as you enter a facility. 

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3. It's okay if someone calls you auntie/uncle 

Respect is finally shown with the way that younger people address you. They begin to call you auntie, uncle, tannie, mam, sir etc. and it is acceptable.

4. Drama be gone

Although you can't control everything that happens, once you hit 30 you begin to realise how petty and unnecessary drama can be. You begin to let go of the BS and focus on what's most important.

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Last but not least:

5. Missing out 

FOMO (The fear of missing out) is real for many. After going through your twenties, you begin to realise that if you miss something, so what! It's not the be all and end all. There's more to life than worrying about not being somewhere. 

We decided to ask our listeners their take on this in the Facebook post below: 

Do you have any thoughts on this topic? Make sure to let us know in the post above..

Cheers to entering the thirties and here's to a bountiful adulthood filled with less stress and more wonderful opportunities. 

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