Could this be the reason behind the term 'cat burglar'?

Could this be the reason behind the term 'cat burglar'?

Cats are known for their natural ability to climb walls and get through small spaces without falling or being detected; this video shows us how cats defy gravity. 

A cat walking on cabling across two buildings
A cat walking on cabling across two buildings/X Screenshot/@TheFigen_


It might sound obvious to many that the term 'Cat Burglar' comes from the similarities that burglars and cats display. 

The term 'cat burglar' describes a skilled thief who can move with the agility and shrewdness of a cat. Now, if you are not a cat person, you may be oblivious to the fact that cats are pretty flexible and display expertise in climbing. 

Cats are popular on YouTube not just for their ability to melt people's hearts but also for their host of unique qualities. They have peripheral vision and are well-equipped with night vision, they do not taste sweetness, they are carnivorous, and they can jump up to six times their length. 

We came across a compilation video that shows how adept cats are at climbing, jumping, walking on thin cords or cabling, squeezing through tight spaces, and more.

Cats may not look like it, but they are built for exceptional skills in climbing. 

The Rock The Cat Spa Blog says: "Climbing higher than the rest and having the best vantage point gives cats the ability to see and hear prey and any predator activities." 

​There are a variety of reasons why cats climb, but the most important thing to remember about them is that climbing is part of their ancestry.

Watch the video below - courtesy of X

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Image Courtesy of X


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