A cheeky game of ‘Complete the Sentence’

A cheeky game of ‘Complete the Sentence’

Stacey & JSbu are known for being a duo who create a lot of fun, relatable, and edgy content. 

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On Thursday afternoon, the team decided to play a fun engaging game of ‘Complete the Sentence’ with listeners. 

The sentence that Stacey & JSbu wanted KZN to finish was: ‘My first time was...'. 

The team has deliberately left out the context of what first time they are referring to. The first time could be various things. 

Perhaps it was the first time you fell in love:


Maybe the first time you got your heart broken:


Or could it be the first time you tried something new:


From your answers, Stacey & JSbu will try and guess what you are referring to. 

So, let's play, KZN. Complete the sentence: ‘My first time was...'.

Listen to the podcast and hear what KZN had to say.

For more from #StaceyandJSbu check out past episodes in the full Stacey & JSbu channel below:

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