Baby boy leaves everyone speechless with dance skills

Baby boy leaves everyone speechless with dance skills

If having fun and living your life to the fullest was a person - it would definitely be this five-year-old boy. He freely shows off his dance moves and singing without a care in the world. We love that about you! 

A child singing his heart out at the stadium
Screenshot from video

This young boy has got people talking after his amazing performance on the stands at a concert. 

Read: Pride Month: Celebrating gay South African celebrities

You'd think people would celebrate the free young boy expressing himself and showing off his skills, but instead, it's the opposite.  

People were commenting, saying things like, "Argh another boy George.", “You are gay”, "Lady boy wanna be", "If that was my son I would throw him off a cliff". How shocking?

This video is undoubtedly the most iconic video ever! If one wanted to live life to the fullest with no care in the world, this would be it! 

The fact that other people are now making this child's freedom and enjoyment about his sexuality is scary and cruel. 

Watch the video below of the boy having the time of his life: 

People are mad - this child has made grown adults upset by being himself and not being shy about it. 

Let the young boy live his best life and worry about your own. 

One tweep even said: 

People honestly need to re-evaluate themselves and stop judging other people or thinking they have a say in people's lives! 

KZN, would you not let your child express themselves like this?

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