What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?

What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?

Guests can be very weird - hotels can attest to this. But how weird have guests been when visiting your house?

weird man / pexels

Listen to the discussion, or read the details under the podcast.

Damon isn't much of a fan of opening his home to people he's not overly familiar with, but from time to time there are moments where you can't completely control who enters your house.

Damon has confessed a very weird thing a stranger did when he was selling his house. Listen to the podcast to find out what it is!

Read: What's your internet guilty pleasure?

What's the weirdest thing someone has ever done at your house?

Or are you the weird guest?

Let Damon know below.

Main image courtesy of Gratisography

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