Theo Kgosinkwe's comments on gay rumours backfire

Theo Kgosinkwe's comments on gay rumours backfire

Theo Kgosinkwe tried to explain how gay rumours badly affected him in the past, but Black Twitter rejected his sympathy card.

theo kgosinkwe - facebook

Speaking in a recent interview, the Mafikizolo singer said doubts about his sexuality nearly broke him, and he even considered leaving the industry.

Theo, who cleared up confusion about his sexual preference several years ago, added that he was mostly concerned about the effect the rumours would have on his children.

But his faith got him through the ordeal.

"My Christian roots grounded me. I remembered that Jesus too was accused with unfounded accusations and that he could get me through this. It was in my hope that I gained my strength. As long as I know who I am," he said in the interview. 

His comments did not sit well with the gay community, who felt he was suggesting that there is something horribly wrong with being considered gay.

Others defended the star, saying there is nothing wrong with talking about how false rumours affected his life. 

Here's what some people had to say on social media. 

(Photo: Facebook)


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