Car crashes into animal clinic, miraculously no one gets hurt

Car crashes into animal clinic, miraculously no one gets hurt

Talk about a close call! It's a miracle that people actually survived this horrific crash!

car crashes into vet

So we've looked at this video over and over - and we simply cannot fathom how tragedy did not strike?!

Miraculous CCTV footage has been doing the rounds from an animal hospital in North Carolina, USA. According to Indian Express, members of staff were going about their duties when all of a sudden a car crashed into one of the walls. 

Read: Employee's compensation fraud attempt caught on CCTV cameras

What's absolutely amazing is that even though one of the employees flew across the room when the car crashed, no one was injured. How is this even possible?!

Have you ever witnessed a freak accident before? How did you react? Share your stories with us below:

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