Let's talk about sex... [Adult content advisory]

Let's talk about sex... [Adult content advisory]

In this KindnessCan podcast, Jane Linley-Thomas and Paul Bushell talk about the original birds and the bees, giving parents some tips on how to talk to their children about their bodies, sex and sexuality.

Birds and bees on KindnessCan

Gone are the days of this being an awkward once-off conversation. In a digital world, it's a conversation that we need to keep having over and over again. Jane and Paul also touch on the topic of porn and teenagers.

Not only is the technology constantly changing, but most parents have very little experience or role model on how to manage this part of their child's life.

Listen below for the discussion...

Meanwhile, last week's discussion took a real and practical look into navigating the technology and social media world with our children. It's a minefield out there!

"Too much social media and too much technology is not socially and emotionally and neurologically good for your child. So if you are expecting your child to spend less time on their device, you need to spend less time on yours," says Paul.

Do you agree? Paul agrees that it's not always that clear cut, and he has advice on this issue. Listen to the discussion below.

For more inspiration from the KindnessCan team, access past episodes below.

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