Mom's fantasies captured on camera using dark humour

Mom's fantasies captured on camera using dark humour

Looking at these pictures, do you think they're funny or just weird?

dark humour pics

Talk about a dark and twisted portrayal of suburban bliss?

Photographer, actress, and model Susan Copich from New York has created domestic scenes using her daughters and her husband. The family posed in her photo series called 'Domestic Bliss'. The series was designed to spark conversation around family issues coupled with issues that affect society, such as suicide and gun control.

Read: Mom hilariously recreates celebrity parents' photos

These images are a narrative and may make you laugh nervously or think she is just plain cooked?

Whatever your reaction is, I somehow find these images more refreshing than the stock standard smoke and mirrors of how social media portrays the 'perfect' family.

Read: How to make sure your family drinks enough water

Day in and day out, our newsfeeds are plastered with the 'perfect' couple, mother, husband, holiday, and home. However, these photos are changing that. 

I love how real some people are online, speaking their truth and being real about reality. Please note that there is a difference between being transparent and over sharing.

Merry, Happy...peace to all! #vintagedomesticbliss #nostalgia #oldhabits #happyholidays

A post shared by Susan Copich (@susancopich) on

"Domestic Bliss" solo show. Stop by if you are in the area!!

A post shared by Susan Copich (@susancopich) on

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