How scary! Parents find snake in their child's car seat

How scary! Parents find snake in their child's car seat

As a parent, finding a wild animal so close to your child has got to be the scariest thing ever!

RM Videos/Youtube

A woman in Louisiana had left her child's car seat on the porch for the night and when she was putting it back into her car she noticed a few ants on it. 

Devon Aucoin told WTVT-TV: "After installing it, I noticed a few ants on it so I took it back out the car and took off all the covers to make sure there weren't any more ants. Thankfully I did because to my surprise there was a SNAKE curled up inside the adjustment base!"

See: This picture is driving everyone insane! Can you spot the snake?

Can you imagine your reaction if you found a snake coiled up in the back of the car seat?

I would have freaked out! The idea of my little helpless cherub on the backseat with a snake while I'm hurting along - no! 

Can you imagine if it started slithering around?!

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