Have you ever withheld information to protect your partner?
Updated | By Jane Linley-Thomas
'It can wait' is the common term that many of us use when attempting to put off something that lacks importance, but when it comes to your partner, would you withhold information from them until the right time?

We had a really important meeting this weekend at the station, so important that we had to come in on a Sunday. Simon and I have a certain amount of prep that we need to do before we go in. So, my hubby (Mr. T) knew that the pressure was on. As I was leaving, he screamed out for me to watch him hurtle down the gravel driveway on a bike too small for him with training wheels attached. This looked like an accident waiting to happen, but I didn't want to be that helicopter mom who put an end to the daredevil antics.
Read: Would you allow your partner to remain in contact with their ex?
So anyway, I leave and make my way to work. Unbeknownst to me, five minutes after my departure, Cooper, my little boy, plowed face first into the corner wall at the entrance to the front door, slicing his head open and ending up with a split head and at the emergency room. Yep, just another classic stitches scenario.
The thing is, I phoned Mr. T to tell him a lame story about the neighbours' lunch guest (who had parked their car in our flower bed) and knowing the meeting that I was going into, he didn't share the 'bloody' incident about Cooper.
Unbeknownst to me, Cooper was sitting with a face cloth full of ice blocks to his split forehead as Mike casually conversed not letting on as to throw me into a panic. It was only after the meeting that I saw an SMS from him which read 'give me a call when you are done'.
I phoned on the way home and his exact words were 'all good, had an eventful afternoon, everything is fine but I'm leaving the emergency room as Cooper needed stitches after falling off his bike'. The only thing I could say was 'WHAT!?'. I had no cooking clue what was going on.
Also read: Would you allow your partner to go away on a work retreat without you?
So, after all that was said and done, I want to know from you: Has your other half ever held back information to protect you until the time was right?
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