What's the worst report you've ever received?

What's the worst report you've ever received?

An image of a teacher's comment on a failed test that received 0 out of 30 has everyone talking and reminiscing about the crazy comments they've received on report cards and tests.

Class close up diary, Tookapic, Pexels, https://www.pexels.com/photo/pen-writing-notes-studying-8769/

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What is the funniest or worst thing you've ever heard about yourself? It could've been in a school or work report written by a past examiner, teacher or even a boss.

G-dog has admitted that once in the early stages of high school, he flunked a History test, and the teacher was in complete disbelief.

Read: Can introducing technology in class sabotage learning?

Mags says she was once referred to as a MILF. She overheard this and of course was shocked. She eventually decided to take it as a compliment.

Has anything like this ever happened to you? Let us know below.

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