The master of Photoshop is back at it again

The master of Photoshop is back at it again

Never ask James Fridman to Photoshop your pictures. You will instantly regret it.


If you have ever used Photoshop, you would know that it is such an amazing program to work with. You can literally do anything with it - although asking it to make tea is a bit of a challenge.

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Anyway, when it comes to Photoshop, James Fridman is the master of it. He is also the master of taking things literally and giving people exactly what they ask for. His Photoshop creations are simply amazing and totally amusing. He has a knack for taking people's Photoshop requests and literally representing them. Like, literally.

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If you are brave enough to request a Photoshopped image from him, tweet him on @fjamie013. You will be totally surprised, and super amused by what he produces. 

Have a look at his hilarious creations below: 

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