Man tries to impress woman and it ends very badly

Man tries to impress woman and it ends very badly

Ouch! This backfired quickly and very painfully.

man tries to impress girl

Guys, there are many ways in which you can impress a lady. Flowers, chocolates, and lots of compliments are a sure fire way to impress, but doing something silly that may result in injury will not work.

This guy was so determined that he went out on a limb (literally) to impress this girl. It all started when the girl was attempting to balance her stomach on the handrail of an escalator (we’re still not sure why she did this) and she decided to show a bit of skin to him.

Read: Guy does stunt to impress girl... and fails!

He liked what he saw and decided that in order to impress her he would duplicate her actions on the opposite side.

However, he decided to do so on his back and within seconds he lost his balance and fell down to the ground and broke his arm.

Ouch! Talk about something backfiring painfully.

Read: Boyfriend’s cheating prank backfires hilariously

Take a look at the video below:

Warning: This video contains nudity and may not be suitable for sensitive viewers.

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