Man tries to crack massive whip, totally backfires

Man tries to crack massive whip, totally backfires

Why would this guy inflict this type of pain on himself? Ouch!

man cracks 80 foot whip

Every now and then you come across crazy people attempting to do silly things. One can only wonder why people attempt to do these things knowing it may end up resulting in pain?

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A YouTuber by the name of Bryan Ropar thought he would try his luck at cracking an 80-foot homemade bull whip. We’re not sure why he would do such a thing? He clearly did not pay attention in physics class!

Every time he tried to crack the whip, it ended up lashing him. Ouch! He created his very own torture tool!

His first attempt starts off slow, but as he tries again and again, physics starts to take control of the entire situation.

Take a look at the video below:

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