LISTEN: Clinical Psychologist DrD addresses people who live alone

LISTEN: Clinical Psychologist DrD addresses people who live alone

East Coast Drive decided to speak to DrD about people who are alone at home. We often speak of families together and we sometimes forget that some people are completely alone and that comes with a whole set of different challenges altogether.

Clinical Psychologist, Dorianne Weil

Listen to the podcast or read below:

On Thursday, we were able to chat with Clinical Psychologist Dorianne Weil, AKA DrD, about those people that are stuck at home during this 21-day quarantine lockdown. 

READ: Uplifting new podcast series launched: Thrive with ‘DrD’: Dorianne Weil

People who live alone – it’s almost like solitary confinement in prison. 

"What are they going through right now and what advice do you have for them?" Gordon asked.

Listen to the podcast to hear what DrD had to say and what advice she has for those who are home alone.

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