Insane barber uses hammer and axe to cut hair

Insane barber uses hammer and axe to cut hair

Remember Bob the Builder? Now meet Bob the Barber...

hammber and axe Rami Tel Aviv / YouTube 1
Rami Tel Aviv / YouTube

Whoever said hairdressing was not a masculine job was clearly mistaken. 

This jaw-dropping footage of a hairdresser who uses tools to cut hair will leave you stunned. 

Read: Hot Stuff! Egyptian barber uses fire to style his clients' hair

Most people that sit in a hairdresser's chair take their seat risking nothing more than a slight nip of the ear, or the chin for those that like to keep a clean shave. 

Read: Bald prankster gets one over his barber with wig

But this nail-biting video shows a client receiving a haircut from a barber wielding an axe and a hammer. Eeek!

Would you let this man cut your hair? 

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