Couple captures the beauty of Africa during road trip

Couple captures the beauty of Africa during road trip

This video truly captures the majestic beauty of a place that we call home.

beauty of africa roadtrip
Vimeo / Good Things Guy

When you live in a place for a long time, you sometimes forget how much beauty truly surrounds you. 

According to Good Things Guy, a couple recently went on a road trip through South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana and decided to capture some of the best moments of their trip in a majestic four-minute video. 

Read: Brother wins at annoying sister on road trip

The video features them driving through the plains of Africa, their stops along the way, as well as sightings of the Big 5 in the wild.

Read: South African big game hunter crushed by elephant

Watching this video will show you the true beauty of Africa, which is literally on our doorstep. When last have you stopped to admire the beauty that surrounds you?

Watch and be mesmerised:

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