#BonganisDriveBy: Calling in sick

#BonganisDriveBy: Calling in sick

Bongani shares what went through his head, while planning to call his boss.

bongani headphones

East Coast Drive’s Bongani was off sick on Monday and Tuesday this week.

Now we all know that when you’re feeling ill and you can’t make it to work, you need to make that phone call.

Yes, that phone call!

 Read: Bongani thinks you need to date a large number of people before marriage!

The call to your boss telling him / her you will not be at work because you are not well 

What made this worse for Bongani is that it was on a Monday morning, and everyone knows you never, ever call in sick on a Monday!

Take a listen to what went through Bongani’s head and let us know if you can relate.

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