Bongani: "My wife and I pretend like we are fighting to get rid of unwanted guests!"

Bongani: "My wife and I pretend like we are fighting to get rid of unwanted guests!"

We all have those guests who overstay their welcome, but sometimes we just don't have the heart to let them know how we feel. What lie have you come up with to get rid of your unwanted guests?

Bongani Mtolo
Nobuntu Swartbooi

Listen to the podcast or read below:

On Tuesday, Bongani told us his story about chasing away unwanted guests when they have overstayed their welcome.

READ: What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?

"This past weekend my wife and I had guests that had overstayed their welcome and we didn't know how to tell them. So I texted my wife and told her let's act like we are fighting because people always feel weird when couples fight." Bongani said

READ: The unwelcome guest: Dealing with relatives who arrive at your home unannounced

Listen to the podcast to hear what KZN had to say about how they get rid of their unwanted guests. 

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