Truck driver thanks his lucky stars after missing kids

Truck driver thanks his lucky stars after missing kids

Here's why you should always watch where you are going...

child brush death

'It's like they came out of nowhere!'. That will be the phrase you'll be saying after watching this heart-stopping footage. 

A driver of a truck in England breathed a huge sigh of relief after avoiding hitting kids with his 7.5-tonne lorry.

A dash cam captured the incident. The footage shows the driver travelling down a road when a few seconds in, three young kids begin to walk in the path of the truck.

Read: Dash cam captures truck driver's crash while texting

Luckily, the kids retreated milliseconds before the truck would have slammed into them head-on, with the mother putting her hands up to apologise on behalf of them.

It seems as if this driver's brakes were checked regularly as it was those very same brakes which brought the lorry to a complete halt, with the children proceeding to go on their way. 


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