The strangest thing gets stuck to this boy’s head

The strangest thing gets stuck to this boy’s head

This little boy’s reaction when he realised what happened is priceless!

lollipop stuck on boys hea

We have all misplaced something at some point in our lives and tried to find it, only to realise it was right in front of our eyes the entire time!

Read: Man finds his lost wedding band in the weirdest place

Well, this is exactly what happened to this little boy. Somehow he managed to get a lollipop stuck to his head (we’re not really sure how that happened) and desperately tries to find it. 

Read: Little boy sings and dances to 'Wololo'

When he finally realises that it has been stuck to his head the whole time, he simply cannot believe it and gives a priceless reaction.

Check his reaction out in the video below: 

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