Fancy eating some insects at a Tokyo restaurant?

Fancy eating some insects at a Tokyo restaurant?

People are lining up in Japan to try this traditional dish. Would you be brave enough to tuck in?

tokyo insects dish

A restaurant in Tokyo is raising some eyebrows by offering their diners a unique experience. What is on offer? Well, ramen noodles with crunchy insects, of course.

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Customers who were intrigued by the restaurant's sold-out, one-day offering lined up outside the restaurant to give the dish (which is said to be a traditional one from rural Japan) a try. 

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According to The Mirror, diners had the opportunity to dip their noodles in a soup which contained insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, and even silkworm powder. The restaurant owner hopes that insect-eating will be promoted across the world as a potential dining experience.

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