Choose: No one at your wedding or no one at your funeral?

Choose: No one at your wedding or no one at your funeral?

On Tuesday, East Coast Drive asked KZN: Would you rather have nobody show up at your wedding or have nobody show up at your funeral - and the responses left us shocked.

funeral / pexels
funeral / pexels

Listen to the discussion, or read the details under the podcast.

If you had to pick between having no one show up at your funeral or having no one show up at your funeral, which of the two do you think you could stomach the thought of happening to you? 

Read: Would you rather have your nudes leaked or have insufficient funds?

"I would definitely rather not have people at my funeral, especially because I'll be dead. I wouldn't know who's there or who's not," laughs G-Dog.

Albeit a tough choice for anyone to make, we put it out to our friends on social media, and here's what they had to say:

Would you rather have nobody show up at your wedding or have nobody show up at your funeral? Let us know below.

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