Young girl has a reptile as her cuddle buddy

Young girl has a reptile as her cuddle buddy

Just a girl with a passion for snakes...

A young girl cuddling her pet snake in bed
A young girl cuddling her pet snake in bed/Instagram Screenshot/@snakemasterexotics

We want to consider ourselves open-minded in most areas of life, especially when respecting people's pet choices. 

Not all people have to be dog or cat people. They can also be reptile people. 

A young American girl named Ariana has a passion for snakes, and she shares her love with the world by posting videos of her pet snakes. She goes by the name Snake Master Exotics on social media and has a passion for snakes. 

Watch the video she shared that got us to sit up. 

In the video, she is bed-cuddling her pet, Boelen's Python

Although their threat level is unknown, they are known to become accustomed to captivity and can tolerate handling and interaction with humans. 

Courtesy of Instagram

If you thought that was something, watch her snuggle with her snakes in bed. According to her, it's the best way to go to sleep. 

Video courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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