World's first AI-powered restaurant in California

World's first AI-powered restaurant in California

'No humans required'...

A robotic arm grills a hamburger
A robotic arm grills a hamburger/YouTube Screenshot/@CBSChicago

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is said to be advancing in almost every industry. For the most part, AI is there to help businesses run more efficiently. 

We recently heard about humanoid robot servers serving customers at a Chinese restaurant. This isn't the only way that the food industry is using AI. 

The world's first fully AI-powered restaurant in Pasadena, California, USA, opened for service. The restaurant is called, CaliExpress, and the owner, Vic Aulakh, told CBS Chicago that it's the first time this amount of technology has been seen in one restaurant.

Watch the video below, courtesy of YouTube

CaliExpress uses a grill robot by Cucina and "Flippy", a robot from Miso Robotics that can handle frying. 

"Both robots can make quite a lot of food: Flippy can make 250 pounds of French fries an hour, and the grill robot can cook about 100 patties in that time. Neither machine needs a break or a day off." (CBS Chicago)

The automation behind this technology is aimed at taking on dangerous work environments, eliminating unreliable workforce, creating efficiency in the restaurant industry, saving on costs, allowing a better consistency with flavour and food making, and also helping human staff to pay more attention to the service part of the food industry. 

The restaurant will also have some human employees to add the finishing touches to the meals created by the Flippy and Grill robot. The restaurant also has an AI ordering system that uses facial recognition software to track payments and orders. 

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Image Courtesy of YouTube


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