Woman shares video of a rat baked into her bread

Woman shares video of a rat baked into her bread

This brings a whole new meaning to having a 'rat' in your kitchen...

Two slices of brown bread with a rodent baked into the slice
Two slices of brown bread with a rodent baked into the slice/Facebook Screenshot/@IOL News

Consumers possess an overarching level of trust when purchasing products, particularly food from suppliers

The trust is gained over time, and more often than not, if and when a supplier messes up, the consumer either writes them off entirely or decides to give them another chance. 

But this all depends on the 'mess up' and how serious it was on a scale of one to ten (ten being extremely serious and one being not that serious).

If, for example, a supplier failed at quality assurance and allowed something like a rodent to be baked into one of their bread loaves and the customer consumed this, this would most likely be an eleven...

A video that has shocked Mzansi shows slices of bread with something baked into it. At first glance, all you can see is something black in the bread, then upon closer examination, we see the organs of what looks like a rodent.

Seeing the remains of something that once lived inside a slice of bread is scary and shocking. What was worse, the woman who posted the video, Nombulelo Mkumla, shared that after purchasing the bread on the 27th of August 2024, she consumed it twice before noticing on the third day that the bread had had something in it. 

Watch the video below - courtesy of Facebook

After returning the bread to the retailer she purchased, she was advised to deal directly with the suppliers. So, on 31 August 2024, Mkumla sent an email to the supplier with the video and pictures. 

She received an acknowledgement email, but there was a discrepancy over what she had found with the supplier assuming it was mould. She responded and explained that it was not mould but rather a rodent. 

A person representing Sasko contacted Mkumla and his response angered her more than anything. 

"PepsiCo South Africa's Cornel Vermeulen said they were aware of the 'isolated incident'. He added that the SASKO Low GI Seeded Whole Wheat brown bread loaf did not meet the company's stringent standards. Speaking to Independent Media, Vermuelen assured customers that an investigation has been launched." (IOL)

He went on to say that samples were taken from the same batch that Mkumla had purchased and no discrepancies were noted. Vermeulen also noted that an update was provided to Mkumla about their investigation. 

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Image Courtesy of Facebook


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