Woman gives birth to heaviest baby girl in the world!

Woman gives birth to heaviest baby girl in the world!

You will never believe how much this baby weighs! It's totally bizarre.


A woman in India is believed to have given birth to the heaviest newborn ever recorded in the country. Nandini, 19, gave birth to a beautiful and heavy baby girl who weighs a whopping 6.8kg!

The child weighs the same amount as the average six-month-old and is reportedly twice the size of the average baby.

The baby, who is unnamed, was delivered by cesarean section. Doctors believe her weight overtakes the alleged current record holder, Carisa Rusack, who was born weighing 6.49kg in Massachusetts in 2014. 

Dr Venkatesh Raju, the local health officer, told StoryPick.com: "In my 25 years of experience, I had never seen such a big baby. 

"She is a miracle. I believe she is not only the heaviest baby born in India but the heaviest baby girl ever born in the world."


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