What to do next if you fail Matric?

What to do next if you fail matric?

Did you fail matric? Or are you unhappy with your results? It's not the end of the road for you. These are your options.

Sad student
Jacob Wackerhausen / iStock

The 2024 matric results will be out soon! While this is a time to celebrate the young adults who’ve achieved success in their Grade 12, not everyone is as fortunate.

Thankfully, it’s not the end of the road. Whether you’re unhappy with your results, want to improve your results, or failed matric, you have options available.

Try again

If you failed Grade 12 or simply want to improve your marks, the good news is you have options. Don’t let embarrassment or peer pressure get to you. This is your life and only you can make it better.

If you want to improve your marks, Matric College offers you the opportunity to rewrite your papers in 2025.

Individuals who qualify for a rewrite include those who:

  • Have already written matric and have a Matric Certificate but want to improve their results

  • Missed an exam due to an illness or family circumstances

  • Are under the age of 21

Through the Department of Basic Education's Second Chance Programme, you can rewrite and improve your marks. Registration is currently still open for applicants.

Request a remark

Many people may not know that you can request to have your papers remarked. If you feel your paper wasn’t marked accurately – something that happens more often than you might think – you can request a remark.

Fees for remarking and rechecking:

  • Remark: R120 per subject

  • Recheck: R30 per subject

If you’re still unhappy with your results after the remark or recheck, you can request to view your script. 

The fee for viewing your scripts is R230.

The closing date for script viewing applications is seven days after the release of your remarked or rechecked results.

Repeat Grade 12

You also have the option to repeat your Grade 12 year. This option is ideal for those who either missed a lot of classes or did not perform well academically.

These are your options:

  • Re-enroll at a high school to repeat Grade 12, provided you’re under the age of 21.

  • Repeat your subjects through a private higher education institution, if you’re above the age of 21.

  • Enroll for an Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) course. This course gives you a Matric Equivalent qualification, which is a certificate in a specialised stream of learning that is on the same NQF level as a matric certificate.

Remember, you’re not the first person who fell short of achieving their NSC on the first try, and you won’t be the last. 

Don’t let this small hurdle get in the way of you reaching for your dreams.

Dealing with your emotions

If you’re struggling to cope with the disappointment of not achieving your desired results, don’t let your emotions overwhelm you. The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) offers a wealth of resources for managing anxiety, stress and feelings of depression.

SADAG wants you to know that “your mental health and well-being matter more than any grade could ever define.”

Take a step back, process your emotions, and try to remain positive. Remember, failure is not the end of the road, but rather an opportunity to learn and grow.

If you're experiencing depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts, please reach out for support through the following crisis lines:

  • Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0800 567 567

  • Substance Abuse Helpline: 0800 12 13 14

  • Cipla Mental Health Helpline: 0800 456 789

  • Cipla WhatsApp Chat Line: 076 882 2775

  • SMS Line: 31393

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