What are some of the dumbest things you believed as a child?

What are some of the dumbest things you believed as a child?

From innocent childhood memories like leaving cookies for Santa, to waiting for the tooth fairy to collect your teeth, kids do believe in anything if they put their mind to it.

Superhero kid

As a child, you don't know better than to believe everything your precious parents tell you, even if they were quite ridiculous. 

Buzzfeed has compiled a list of some of the dumbest things you believed growing up:

  1. "I used to think adults could read my mind and that when you turned 18, you magically gained the gift to read children's' minds"
  2. "I was living in my own sitcom and people were watching my life"
  3. "I thought if someone kissed me they were automatically married"
  4. "That everyone was born a boy and if you were a girl, you eventually changed over time"
  5. "I used to believe that teachers lived inside the school in their classrooms" 
  6. "I figured that the moon was made out of ice, that's why it only came out when the sun was away, so the sun wouldn't melt it"
  7. "When you eat a fruit and you accidentally swallow the seed, a tree would grow inside of you" 

Then, we found this hilarious thread on Twitter where one user asked the Twitterati what were some of the dumbest things they had believed growing up as a kid.

Here's what Twitter came up with. Prepare yourself; this one will leave you in stitches and bring back memories:

Well, after reading that, it's safe to say that some of us were somewhat gullible but, hey, they made for some of the best memories.

We'd love to know what some of the dumbest things you believed as a child are. Share them with us in the comments section below so we can all have a little chuckle... 

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