WATCH: Massive 225kg bear 'Hank The Tank' has been breaking into people's homes

WATCH: Massive 225kg bear 'Hank The Tank' has been breaking into people's homes

Can you imagine coming back home to find a bear chilling?

Hank the Tank

A wild bear called 'Hank The Tank' has been a menace! 

We know he weighs an impressive 225kg, but why is he breaking into people's homes? 

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If you are on Twitter you will see some people from South Lake Tahoe, California have been talking about the wild creature.

The pesky bear has acquired quite the reputation, according to police, who reported that 'Hank the Tank' has become a major issue for locals after breaking into not just one, but dozens of homes.

Locals have now been left with a difficult decision in how to safeguard themselves against Hank, while also trying to make sure no harm comes to the bear.

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A 'Save Hank The Tank' campaign has even been started, but look at what he does: 

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The bear has been the reason behind 150+ panicked calls to police, and has wreaked havoc and damage across dozens of homes, CBS reports.

The burglar bear is wanted by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, yet has so far managed to evade them for more than six months.

Spokesperson Peter Tira stated: 'These are neighborhoods, there’s a lot of people around, traffic and cars. So, we have to do this in a way that is safe for both the public and the bear itself."

READ MORE: A grizzly bear does not scare this dog-mom

'Hank The Tank', man!

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Main Image Courtesy: @teatime75

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