Usher's naked selfie a bit over the edge

Usher's naked selfie a bit over the edge

Usher has shared a serious steamy naked selfie using just an emoji to protect his private parts!

Usher naked selfie snapchat

We all know the rules of posting naked selfies - to reveal just enough to give the imagination some exercise, but Usher decided to go against the rule and reveal all. 

Usher snapped the pic on Thursday and captioned it "blowin off steam" with an emoji covering his junk. 

After catching flack for his ‘smaller’ frame, Usher took to the comments section of a ‘celebrity eggplant’ Instagram page and had this to say: 

No, I ain’t no thick thigh big booty havin a** n**** but thanx for lookin!! [two-fingers up sign] and a [eggplant emoji] to you too. Thank u shawty for postin me on ya page…i mess wit ya. I see you got me up here a few time. You like dat, huh?!

Now, at first we thought the screenshot floating around was fake — because, well, who talks like that? But the picture is indeed from Usher’s Snapchat account.

Usher naked selfie

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