UKZN student gives back to the community on her birthday

UKZN student gives back to the community on her birthday

A KZN story of a young woman who chose to give back to the community instead of spending on herself for her birthday. 

A student from UKZN holds sandwiches in her hands in Pietermaritzburg
A student from UKZN holds sandwiches in her hands in Pietermaritzburg/X Screenshot/@WitnessKZN

It's not often that you would find people wanting to celebrate their birthdays by giving to others. Perhaps this is because birthdays have long been identified as a day that honours the person celebrating. 

Birthdays have become overdone in many ways. Some people spend copious amounts of money on celebrating their birthdays. The bigger picture surrounding this hefty price tag is that after all is said and done, what do you have to show for it?

We are not here to judge those who choose to celebrate themselves on their birthdays; we merely want to bring to people's attention that birthdays can also be a great opportunity to give back. 

Nontokozo Msomi, a 25-year-old student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg Campus), did just this last week when she celebrated her birthday. 

Nontokozo, along with friends and volunteers from the Mountain Rise Police Station Youth Crime Prevention Desk and Siyanqoba Extra Lessons, handed out 200 sandwiches to the hungry in the Scottsville area and the CBD in Pietermaritzburg. 

"Msomi, who said she has the passion for outreach in her blood from her grandmother who was involved in crèches, hopes this will become an annual event and later achieve the dream of opening her soup kitchen run by donations to serve the less fortunate." (The Witness)

Watch her chat about the initiative - video courtesy of X

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Image Courtesy of X


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