Triplets go crazy over sanitation truck

Triplets go crazy over sanitation truck

This is by far the cutest thing you'll see today. Their level of excitement is insane!

triplets go crazy over sanitation truck

Ever seen a child jump up and down for a sanitation truck? How about cute triplets losing their minds at the same time?

The proud mom of the triplets, Martha Sugalsk, took a video of these three handsome blondes, which included the caption "#spreadloveandkindess", and we couldn't agree more with this statement.

The footage shows two boys and a girl running along the street after seeing the truck heading towards their house. The children are wearing neon yellow shirts (to match the workers' vests), with writing on the back that said "Little Helpers". The kids then proceed to try and push the trash and recycle bins to help the men unload.

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