The Drakensberg Boys Choir address poaching in chilling performance!

The Drakensberg Boys Choir address poaching in chilling performance!

The Drakensberg Boys Choir ended their world tour with a chilling performance addressing the important global issue of poaching.

Drakensberg Boys Choir 'Anti-Pouching"
Image: YouTube / Drakensberg Boys Choir

The Drakensberg Boys Choir ended their six-week tour of Japan with a stellar performance at Kurashiki Civic Hall. 

The choir addressed a global issue while performing their song, ‘The Poachers are Coming’, to support the fight against wild animal poaching everywhere on earth.

The excerpt from their 2017 folklore set 'Siphume Afrika' (‘We come from Africa’), is a celebration of our diverse South African wildlife, as well as a plea to end the senseless killing of rhinos for their horns.

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