Spicy 'adults-only' chips send 14 children to the hospital

Spicy 'adults-only' chips send 14 children to the hospital

WARNING: These Japanese curry chips are super hot and are not suitable for people under the age of 18...  

Boy with mouth on fire after eating spicy food
File photo: iStock/nicoletaionescu,Isoyama-shoji.co.jp

The packaging says "danger", and there is a huge 18+ warning sign, but that didn't stop 14 schoolchildren from trying a brand of Japanese ghost pepper chips known for being extremely spicy.

The high school learners were rushed to the hospital - one in a wheelchair - after consuming the chips during a morning break. 

Isoyama Corp's hot curry chips are known for having a spice level so high that children are forbidden from eating them.  

The chips, or crisps as some people call them, have gained popularity in recent years, and, naturally, some children became curious about the forbidden snack. 

On Tuesday, a boy from Rokugo Koka High School brought the chips to class, and his curious classmates decided to try them. 

That is when all hell broke loose. According to the Independent, fourteen of the learners - 13 girls and one boy - started experiencing nausea and burning mouths.

Some also suffered stomach aches. The boy who brought the chips said he did so "just for fun" and he did not experience any side effects when he previously ate them.


Isoyama Corp sells several products that contain ghost peppers, also known as Bhut Jolokia. The products have clear warning signs on both the outside and inside of the packaging. 

Ghost peppers are considered one of the spiciest chillies in the world. Even adults are urged to be cautious while trying products with extreme spice levels.

Isoyama Corp says it "sincerely wishes for the swift recovery" of the children. 

Children have been trying spicy food challenges for years. The spicy noodle challenge has been extremely popular on social media, with many kids urging their parents to buy them. 

ALSO READ:  Denmark recalls South Korean noodles for being too spicy

@victoriatschoppp 2x spicy noodle challenge 🥵🌶️ #spicynoodlechallenge #2xspicyramen ♬ original sound - Victoria Tschopp
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Main image credit: iStock/nicoletaionescu,Isoyama-shoji.co.jp

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