Should 'scream boxes' be normalised in schools?

Should 'scream boxes' be normalised in schools?

Could this be the answer to stress reduction and a calmer school and office environment?

A boy screaming inside a scream box
A boy screaming inside a scream box/X Screenshot/@OliLondonTV

What is a scream box?

Put simply, it is a space that allows individuals to express their anger or frustration inside a soundproof box. This will enable people to release their anger or pent-up frustrations. 

Many schools have implemented these to relieve stress and are available to students and teachers. The scream boxes prioritise mental health and work hand in hand with other efforts to help both students and teachers be considerate in using mindfulness techniques, stress-relieving exercises, and being more wellness-orientated. 

Perhaps this is something that could benefit the schools that are seeing high rates of violence? Paying attention to the student's frame of mind and their mental health may be the key to reducing their violent behaviours. 

Watch the video below - courtesy of X

Creating an environment that is free from anger, frustration, and overall poor mental health isn't going to happen overnight, but efforts to create that environment are possible. 

We should never discount the value of creating a calm, positive environment for students and teachers. The value herein lies in how students feel and how teachers treat their students. If both students and teachers feel less physically, emotionally, and mentally stressed, then perhaps this will create a mutual ground that harnesses positive communication?

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Image Courtesy of X


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