Is she pregnant with a car?

Is she pregnant with a car?

This woman saw the strangest figure on her ultra-sound!

Pregnant with car
She went for her regular gynecologist check-up and saw a rather strange image during her ultrasound.
To their surprise they found out it's not a boy, or a girl, but a sports car.
Father-to-be, known as Brewhaus3223 on Reddit, shared this image of his wife's scan, titled: "My wife is pregnant with a sports car" and the internet went wild!
Here are some of the comments:
Commentator: "If it's a boy you should name him Chevy," to which the expectant dad replied: "Denied by the wife, she's no fun".
Another commentator said: "Sports car would have been cheaper," with Brewhaus3223 replying: "Ain't that the truth. A lot more frequent oil changes this way too. Eventually though, it'll change itself."
We are happy to announce that it's a boy car.

Source: Mirror

ultrasound baby car

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