Reporter cries reading names of Orlando shooting victims

Reporter cries reading names of Orlando shooting victims

An emotional CNN reporter tries to hold back the tears as he calls out the names of the mass shooting victims from Orlando.

CNN reporter

The reporter stood a few meters away from where the incident took place as he fought hard to hold back the tears.
CNN reporter Anderson Cooper, who announced he was gay publicly four years ago, refused to say the name of the man responsible for the attack on the LGBT nightclub that left 49 people dead and 53 injured.
He honoured those who lost their lives that night by calling out each of their names and by telling the world who they were and what their jobs were, and the good contributions they had made in the gay community, their families, and in society.
"They are more than a list of names,” Cooper said, his voice shaking. “They are people who loved and who were loved.”

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